Thursday, March 18, 2010


“People tend to interpret having the ‘right’ to express themselves online as implying a lack of consequences when they say stupid things.”

-Oren Michels, CEO of Mashery-

We must be responsible for whatever we write. If you write something bad statements on the internet, you must face it. So, if you think you can't face the fact and the pressure, please think twice before you write something. What we write online will effect all the people around us, and it come between good and bad effects. we must know and understand completely the ethics and the policy of social media.

People always said, “the pen is mightier than the sword.” This can happen even if your distortions are unintentional. These are the tips and ethics in your writing:

Avoid plagiarism or stealing somebody's work or idea

We can't take somebody's work because they are copyright, and they can sue you if you use their works without permission. If you desperately want to use their works, you must list the sources or get their permission to reprint.

Don’t promise what you can’t deliver.

Don't use the promising words such as “may” instead of “will”. If you cannot deliver what you have promised, just say it or never make a promise to anybody. If you make this big mistake, it'll be hard to gain back their trust.

Check your facts.

You may think you remember something accurately, but if there’s any doubt, you want to be sure. Try to re-check the fact until you have confirm that the facts were true. Don't give a false statement because it will cause people to disagree with you and you will be blame for all the mistakes.

As the conclusion, we must thinking twice or more before we write on internet. We must be alert on the things happened around us and the sensitivity of certain people. We cannot write a bad things about other people based on their race, skin colour, religion, and thought, or else, people will label you as a racist. We live in this world as one and just imagine we all sharing the world together in peace...

Yusuf Nur Adam

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March 18, 2010 at 10:56 PM  

this is truly right. we really need to think before writing or else, it will offense the others.

KhairulAqmal said...
March 18, 2010 at 11:07 PM  

yes. this is true. like the case in our country, where people get jailed by the police, just because he posted "racism thing" in facebook. We must becareful and responsible of what we wrote

Brenden said...
March 18, 2010 at 11:28 PM  

I get annoyed by those people putting up hate comments on videos in Youtube. Really, these peeps provoke others for what reason?

There was this video of our local singer and a foreign (i believe) youtuber was comparing their singer to ours. A fellow youtuber was on rage with him and the comment thread went through politics, skin, culture, lifestyle and many provocative topics.

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