10:28 PM
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Bloggers are journalists for me this statement is true.They write all of stuff what they can think off.some of them write about LOVE,PERSONAL LIFE,WORLD and about their FAMILY.Famous blogger always talk about politics or what is happening around the world.For instance,a famous blogger named Maxim Zuev.He is a blogger and a prominent journalists.However some people never respect a free thinker like this men.He was killed cruely by a murderer that cant be detected by the goverment of that country.You all can read the full story in this link .Day by day,journalist blogger kept increasing so they all have created a world event that invite all the famous blogger to attend the WORLD PROFESSIONAL BLOGGER JOURNALIST ASSOCIATION.Here they will discuss about their blog or a HOT topic that is have been a controversy around the world.For example, an event about their meeting So,we can see that blogger are a journalists.i would be honoured if our blog be chosen by the Famous Association.
10:51 PM
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Amerul Shah Bin Azamy @ Azmi
Social Media.
This nowadays phenomenon that is getting better and tougher everyday. I really dont know where to start because I have so many stories about social media changing my life and provide me a tool to help others.
Theres a lot of example relating to Social Media however some of the affects of its on me is Social Media always a very helpful tool especially on using this networking tool such as the Internet usage. Internet usage is very important in my daily life because it helps me reaching news around the worlds,exploring world and communicate with others.
Social Media helps me to getting me more knowledge and improving my education in life.
Social Media can be said to have three components Concept (art, information, or meme).Media (physical, electronic, or verbal).Social interface (intimate direct, community engagement, social viral, electronic broadcast or syndication, or other physical media such as print).
Social Media is very wide and as a human we have to be proud to use this powerful tool and make a good usage on its.
Amerul Shah Bin Azamy @ Azmi
10:40 PM
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Social media…well this affect little to almost our entire lives. With the growth of Internet access in rural areas in my hometown, my home community seems to utilize this technology to their advantage.
My aunt opened up a domain online to promote her home made cakes and cuisines. She started out independently with very few knowledge on computing. Knowing the fact that not many of those in the rural areas could get Internet access, she continued. Somehow, it lifts off to greater heights. At first, only close members her family knew about this. She started spreading it with words of mouth to friends about the new site. It quickly spreads via social websites and a little help spreading the word, her site became popular with incoming orders daily. The reason for it being successful would probably be how people recommended her and was able to look through her online portfolio.
Well, almost everyone in town seems to follow up with the trend. Each member of my family has a Facebook account. My youngest nephew has an account and he’s 8 years old. It builds up a network of people which makes it wonderful and easy at the same time. Say, there’s a gathering at our local KFC branch for a birthday party, I could post it out to all my family members online and poof! Done!
Myself, I wasn’t involved in the online world back then. No one was! Ten years ago, there wasn’t any exposure to open up an account on any social site. Only recently, that I was able to grasp the ability to explore the Internet and get to know how to maneuver in it.
By far, I’ve been using Facebook for almost a year. I’d consider half of my usage of the Internet is on Facebook. People tag, comment, invite for an event and even play online games in it. Some call it an addiction and malicious to an extent. But I find it useful, and a place to land on the virtual world.
Brenden Undan
10:09 PM
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Social Media is actually a web base communication. It was design to disseminated through the social interaction. Created using highly accessible publishing techniques. Some example of social media is blog, facebook, myspace, tagged and all kind of web that based on social interaction. The social media has modernized the consumers in the new way. It really changes the way of interaction. It was widely used in many fields even in business. Social media are not only a way for businesses to interact with consumers but also a source of networking and communication between people. It really helps the business to expand more effectively and faster.
Nowadays people uses social media as a medium to share their thoughts about something they really into it. By this way, he or she will involves in a better way to communicate, sharing. It will really helps one's mind to grow and thinking logically.
As you all can see, social media has played an important role in our life. It does expand the way of communication and the way how you interact with people. But as you can remember, it actually has controlled your mind by changing your perceptions about communication. It happens in instant. It had been all around us, controlling our thoughts and mind, changing the way of thinking.
9:58 PM
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Social Media is not a small group. It is very wide and we can separate them into certain category such as; news, sharing, networks, bookmarking and others.
Social news- Where the example of the sites are; Digg, Sphinn, Newsvine, and BallHype. This site where allow to read about news online. This can help us getting the information or the current issues immediately.
Social sharing- This is the most famous social. This site can allowed you to share anything that you want such as video, pictures, artwork, opinion or a talk. Examples of the sites are Flickr, DeviantArt, and YouTube.
Social networks- This type of social always used by the teenagers and students. Where by you can find friends or to get contact with your family and friends from far. This social networks is like a field where everyone can meet each others. We should thanks to Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, Twitter and the others social networks because they help us to keep contact with our friends.
So, as you can see, from here we knew that social media is already conquered our life and world. We can not run away form this social media. Social Media will be around us forever.
Sheikh Ahmad Hafidz Bin Sh Ishak
9:22 PM
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Communicate and socialize is very much a fundamental human need. People like to meet and talk to other people through the internet. They use it to maintain new or existing relationships. They want to communicate ideas and find solidarity with others who share similar interests. The internet has as a function to bring human race together and emphasize on connecting people. Social networking websites such as Facebook and My Space have created a new form of socialization and interaction. Facebook and Myspace are very popular nowadays even I used it to communicate with my friends and can communicate to many other people around the world. For Blogspot we can share our ideas or life to others like writing on a diary through internet. I used to have it for writing my own lyrics and let people comment it so I can get more new ideas. Another example is twitter,I can tweet every second to tell people what are we doing and where are we on that time.
8:51 PM
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Yusuf Nur Adam
“People tend to interpret having the ‘right’ to express themselves online as implying a lack of consequences when they say stupid things.”
-Oren Michels, CEO of Mashery-
We must be responsible for whatever we write. If you write something bad statements on the internet, you must face it. So, if you think you can't face the fact and the pressure, please think twice before you write something. What we write online will effect all the people around us, and it come between good and bad effects. we must know and understand completely the ethics and the policy of social media.People always said, “the pen is mightier than the sword.” This can happen even if your distortions are unintentional. These are the tips and ethics in your writing:
Avoid plagiarism or stealing somebody's work or idea
We can't take somebody's work because they are copyright, and they can sue you if you use their works without permission. If you desperately want to use their works, you must list the sources or get their permission to reprint.
Don’t promise what you can’t deliver.
Don't use the promising words such as “may” instead of “will”. If you cannot deliver what you have promised, just say it or never make a promise to anybody. If you make this big mistake, it'll be hard to gain back their trust.
Check your facts.
You may think you remember something accurately, but if there’s any doubt, you want to be sure. Try to re-check the fact until you have confirm that the facts were true. Don't give a false statement because it will cause people to disagree with you and you will be blame for all the mistakes.
As the conclusion, we must thinking twice or more before we write on internet. We must be alert on the things happened around us and the sensitivity of certain people. We cannot write a bad things about other people based on their race, skin colour, religion, and thought, or else, people will label you as a racist. We live in this world as one and just imagine we all sharing the world together in peace...
Yusuf Nur Adam
8:47 PM
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In the Internet we have a world network of social media that offers a wide range of facilities to comfort ourselves but sometimes we make the default and fall in our own lives.
Among the effects of social media is the negligence of ourselves that can cause a person's life is not orderly. Other purposes is when we are faced with social media is too long, we have no life as a constant.
In addition, there are social networks offering video services which may stimulate a culture change that immediately. Social networks can also make our lives changed with the spread of and cultural influences of a community. One example of social networks that have millions of user as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. This website has influenced many users out there and make the website is number one in the world.
Muhammad Hasyir bin Naswira.
8:40 PM
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Example of social media- facebook, twitter, myspace, friendster. The new way to socialize with my friends or any person outthere.
To me, social media is not only for socialize, today it becomes a very powerful tool that can ruins the world(believe me). As an example, there is a case in France, a woman in France created a group to raise money for her father’s business after bankruptcy plagued the company and the father committed suicide. She raised over 200,000 euros ($271,379) and used the money to pay the company’s employees their wages owed.
A controversial 'Breast Cancer Awareness' group started a phenomenon of status updates(facebook) describing the colour of a woman’s bra to remind women to get mammograms.
Support for natural disaster victims such as the Victorian Black Saturday survivors can be given via Facebook, and money can be donated to cancer charities via the 'North Wales Calendar Girls Raising Money for Cancer' group.
This show the power of social media where it can bring the effect to the community. Same phenomenon we can see here in our country, where it transform the politic wave in Malaysia. The power of blog, facebook (examples of social media) is changing the way the community see the world. (Im not pro-government, or anti-government here, but this is the FACT).
It means the freedom to talk by everyone.
As a conclusion, to me social media brings a lot of different from 10-15 years ago. Where the traditional media seems conquering the world. But nowadays, we have alternative media, to see the darkness of the goodness or the see the light in the dark. Yes, it is very powerful.
Awang Khairul Aqmal bin Awang Yunus.